Cut Your Print Budget Spending


Owning and managing the marketing of your business can be more expensive than you’d like it to be. Did you know that many businesses have to set aside a huge budget float to accommodate their print spending? 

Not only that, staff members are often uprooted from their usual job responsibilities to coordinate and produce print material for the internal and external operations of the business. Imagine the opportunity cost incurred from the shuffling and misplacement of human resources, time and money! 

Here are some better ways to get your printing done more efficiently: 

Move online

The traditional printing routine insists that you have to physically be at printers to oversee, check and collect print orders. Save time and manage prints faster and better when you move your printing operations online.

Using an online cloud-based print management system can help you track and manage your prints better. Moving your operations online allows for more flexibility and control overprinting. Send orders by actual demand or with proper planning, as you can see, add and limit the number of prints needed. No more exceeding your print budget!

Outsource your work

One way to make your operations smoother and easier is to outsource. 

We recommend this especially for businesses who can’t afford to free up staff to spend time on this work, or without staff trained adequately to handle the print and designing etc. Outsourcing takes the pressure away from your business in the tedious chore of coordinating every step of the printing process from scratch. 

Maintain the quality of your prints and save time through picking a trusted company to outsource your operations from. Outsourcing your operations can also bring in perks such as also easing the logistics of delivery -- sparing you from spending and doing more.

Save costs, reduce your waste, and be more effective. Engage p;logcloud for to scale up your print orders. 

Take a look at how German European School Singapore GESS improved their operations and saved costs working with us in our 'Case Studies'.

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