Collaborate With Selected Professionals

Get access to solutions and tools to manage your printing orders.

Share Resources and Revenue

Increase efficiency and capitalise on the combined existing assets of parties involved.

Streamlined Processes

Remove administrative tasks. Focus on the more important tasks on hand.

Partner with printing houses, printing brokers, and print management providers through p;logconnect. With us, you can rest assured that printing processes will become more productive and streamlined through our network’s collective supply -- allowing printing demands to be better and more efficiently met.

What we at p;log seek is not just an exchange of services through this network. We also offer partners the opportunity to capitalize on our combined assets to search for solutions and tools together to advance the printing industry as a whole.

You do not need to own any assets to become a p;log partner. With just a customer base, our company can help you with our SaaS end solutions. Tap on our technology and partners to improve the revenue and productivity of your operations locally and regionally.

Join us and elevate your business with p;logconnect.

Elevate your business with p;logconnect.

Collaborate with us

Personalize your print orders and get them delivered right to your doorstep.

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Print management - Print anything from our secure cloud system conveniently at your nearest copier.

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Manage a customizable storefront system powered by us, to suit your branding needs.

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